2023 Reverence for Life Resources

This year the Reverence for Life Commission hopes to celebrate the joy of life across the Archdiocese of Regina with you. May is a time of new life, rebirth, and resurrection. The materials we have put together focus on the joy and love that comes from life. Three PowerPoints share stories of just this. We invite you to share these in your parishes. There are also homiletic notes for the fifth week of Easter, May 7th, and the Reverence for Life Prayer. We ask that you would include this prayer in your daily liturgies. There are also printable cards for your convenience. Please print and distribute as needed.

Reverence for Life Prayer

Reverence for Life Prayer Slides – For Parish Use

Reverence for Life Prayer Card Template – Print and Distribute as needed.

PowerPoint Presentations. Please share with your parishes.

Choose Life First: Grace

Choose Life First: Audrey

Choose Life First: Annalise

Homiletic Notes

Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 6/7 – For Pastors. This is in Word so you can easily edit it to suit your needs and style.