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To share as a family or with a friends an aspect of how God is calling you, use the following four reflections.

The Vocation Prayer may be used before the sharing or for use at anytime.

Vocation Prayer

God has created me to do some
definite service; God has committed
some work to me which has not been
committed to another. I have my
mission – I may never know it in this
life, but I shall be told it in the next.

I am a link in a chain, a bond of
connection between persons. God has
not created me for naught. I shall do
good. I shall do God’s work. I shall
be an angel of peace, a preacher of
truth in my own place.

Whatever, wherever I am, I can never
be thrown away. If I am in sickness,
my sickness my serve the Lord; in
perplexity, my perplexity may serve
the Lord; if I am in sorrow, my
sorrow may serve the Lord. God
does nothing in vain. Therefore
I will trust in the Lord.

Cardinal John Henry Newman

1. God is Calling All of Us to Life

To be oneself, to grow as a human being
How am I cherishing the gift of myself and taking care of myself?
To live with others in love
How am I cherishing the gift of others and caring for them?
To transform the world through work
How do I make a difference by the work/study that I do?
To know, love and serve God, the Lord of all
How is God part of my day?
“I set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.”
Deut. 30:19

2. God is Calling All of Us to Love in the Way of Jesus

To be a son / daughter of God
How am I being a son / daughter of God?
To love others as brothers and sisters
How do I love others like Jesus?
To transform the world by being salt and light
How do I bring the light of Christ to my home / school / work?
To love God and Jesus as friend and brother
How am I being called to trust in God? How am I sharing my joys and sorrows with Jesus?
“Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all your mind and with all of your strength, and your neighbor as yourself”
Luke 10:27

3. God is Calling All of Us to Life and Love Together as Church, the People of God

To grow as a faith community through the Word, prayer and sacraments
How do we pray in our home? As a faith community?
To live with others as brothers and sisters through participation, service, communion
How do we share our time, talents and wealth?
To transform the world in the light of the Gospel through awareness and the struggle for justice and peace
How do we reach out to people, projects, movements that help to build the world that God wants for us?
To praise and thank God through Jesus in the liturgy
How is sharing in the Eucharist important in our lives?
“Only let everyone lead the life which the Lord has assigned, and in which God has called them. This is my rule in all the churches”
1Cor 7:17

4. God is Calling All of Us to Life Vocations

To share our love as we live out our particular life vocation. eg. marriage, single, ordained, religious, or society of apostolic life
How am I sharing my love? What is God’s dream for me?
To serve others through our particular life vocation
How am I serving others through my call?
To transform the world by our faithfulness in living out God’s call to us as it unfolds in our lives
How am I being faithful to God’s call?
To rejoice in the way that God has called
How do we celebrate our joy and support one another in our calls?
“Speak Lord, your servant is listening”
1Sam 3:16