In 2013, Archbishop Daniel Bohan established the Archdiocesan Commission for Reverence for Life. The Commission, which works in close cooperation with the Archdiocesan Social Justice Office, has as its mandate “the promotion of reverence for human life in all its stages within the Archdiocese of Regina”. The Reverence for Life Commission’s goal is to assist the parishes of the Archdiocese of Regina to better advocate for and promote the dignity of the human person, especially where that dignity is seriously threatened. October has been established as ‘Reverence for Life month’, a month especially dedicated to the celebrations of the value and dignity of human life in the Archdiocese of Regina.

To read +Daniel’s Proclamation, CLICK HERE to download the PDF. 


We have several resources for parishes, individual, and group reflection and prayer.

To access our past and current campaign materials please click on the links below:


2019 R4L Resources

2018 R4L Resources

2016-17 R4L Resources

Liturgical Resources


External Resources:


COLF-The Catholic Organization for Life and Family

Priests for Life Canada


Sisters of Life


Sask Pro-Life 

Rachael’s Vineyard Retreats for healing from an abortion