
“Small group dialogue as a tool for change!”


“The name “Forum” was chosen to reflect the emphasis on people and the belief that small group dialogue facilitates change.”

The Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice was established in 2007 as the social and ecological justice centre of the Jesuits in English Canada in order to offer:

  • Ways for people to reconnect with the energy of their deep hopes for a reconciled and thriving world;
  • Paths towards greater freedom and authenticity through the sharing of personal experiences;
  • A friendly space where people can feel heard, affirmed and empowered to think and act differently; and
  • A new and creative way of engaging on ecological and social justice issues at personal, communal and global levels.

To go to their Home Page and learn more about their research, publications and work, click HERE

They have many wonderful resources. Discussion Guides that help facilitate deep conversation, learning, and conversion. Click HERE to go to their resource page.

A Dialogue Guide for Laudato Si`

Written by William F. Ryan SJ and Janet Somerville with Anne O’Brien GSIC and Anne-Marie Jackson.

This is a colourful guide to Laudato Si’, bringing to life in photos, cartoons and stories this ground-breaking and challenging encyclical from Pope Francis.

Caritas in Veritate: On Integral Human Development in Charity & Truth

William F. Ryan SJ and Janet Somerville with Anne O’Brien and Anne-Marie Jackson.

This guide was created at the request of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario and is designed to facilitate small group study and discussion of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical letter Caritas in Veritate.