Youth Ministry In-Service

The In-Service is set up for Parishes or Deaneries to enhance their knowledge of youth ministry and ways to increase the opportunities for youth events. It can easily be tied to a Parish Council or Deanery Meeting or can stand on its own.

The In-Service can vary from an information and question session, to some practical guidelines to working in Youth Ministry. Time line can vary from 45 minutes to 3 hours. It can also be as simple as a 5 minute address at Mass one weekend!

If you are interested in an In-Service for your parish or deanery please contact Michelle or Braden.

Sask Cath Trainings

Sask Cath provides a one day training, 4 times a year, for all those who work with ministering to young people in any way. The sessions are planned and carried out by SCYD (Saskatchewan Catholic Youth Directors) and take place at various places around the province. They are inexpensive, informal, interactive and time well spent. For further info contact Michelle at [email protected]

WCACYM – Western Canadian Association of Catholic Youth Ministers

WCACYM allows Youth Ministers in Western Canada to have a voice, provide training and build networks of Youth Ministry.

Membership is open to anyone who has key interest in Youth Ministry. (Parishes, Priests, Schools, Volunteers) For information on the association or membership options please contact the Youth Ministry Office. This organization offers a wealth of knowledge and support.

Visit their website by clicking here.